


Why choose wooden toys for 0-12 months?

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When trying to pick what to buy for their children, parents often feel overwhelmed by the variety of toys available. The ideal toy would aid in the development of both mental and physical talents and be secure, inexpensive, and long-lasting. Wooden toys are frequently disregarded, even if plastic toys are plentiful and diverse. They truly offer a lot of advantages and are readily comparable to the colorful, interactive plastic toys already available.

Encourages imaginative play

Because toys with several functions and sounds typically provide instant gratification, the emphasis on developing new skills is lost. On the other hand, simpler wooden toys emphasize the abilities a child can choose and help a youngster develop concentration. Children can learn cause and effect, for instance, at the age of nine months. Noise is produced by things like tapping a wooden block on the ground. They are open-ended due to their simplicity, which enables kids to explore, pretend, and play any way they like.

According to studies, imaginative play is essential for a child’s cognitive development. Wooden toys don’t contain electronic components or voice controls that can give instructions to your child. Consequently, let your youngster utilize their logical thinking to decide which activities they think are appropriate. Role-playing and imaginative play will also foster other forms of intelligence, such as social, emotional, and cognitive abilities. Classic wooden toys like puzzles and building blocks can improve kids’ motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and numeracy.

Introduce new concepts easily

Wooden toys can create sound, but they are quieter and more serene than other plastic or electronic toys that have sounds and bright lights so the youngster won’t become overstimulated. Children are drawn to them right away since they are attractive to look at. There are no overpowering designs, stickers, or printing on them, and we can be certain that kids adore them. The beauty of wooden toys is that they typically have no mechanism holding them together, unlike other toys that can be attached with magnets. The youngster is allowed to investigate the toy any way they wish and gives it their whole attention.

Environmentally Friendly

Do you wish to contribute to the preservation of our environment? Because plastic may be recycled and is biodegradable, wooden toys are typically more eco-friendly than plastic ones. You can purchase toys for your child that will benefit the environment rather than adding more manufactured goods to landfills. Each time you give your child a wooden toy, you are doing your part to protect the environment and, as a result, teach your child these values. Of course, wooden toys are a lot more environmentally beneficial option than plastic as they are organic, renewable, and sustainably sourced products.

Safer choice

Since kids tend to put everything in their mouths, wood is a safer material than plastic or metal. Unfortunately, cheaply constructed plastic toys, especially those that break easily, might leave your child vulnerable to harm from their sharp edges and small bits. Therefore, it is best for you to give your child high-quality wooden toys if you are concerned about their safety whenever they play with their toys.

Durability and Longevity

When it comes to playing with toys, kids aren’t exactly gentle. Despite the fact that plastic is reasonably durable, the colors and stickers used in many plastic toys frequently tear or fade. On the other hand, wooden toys are incredibly robust and may be polished or repainted to seem brand new. Wood may last a very long time and doesn’t degrade or crack and gives you a good value for money.

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