


Why wooden Toys ?

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What kind of toy should we introduce to our children? It is a big question for every parent nowadays given the plethora of toys available in the market. Today we as a parent are very careful in terms of things we are exposing our kids to. 

Children see and explore the world around them through their senses of touch, smell and sight. Give any toy to your toddler and they will explore it by putting it in their mouth and today due to chemicals being vastly used in the market not everything is safe. So, the material, paint, finish and the process the toys go through in order to reach its final stage is of utmost importance.

Wooden Toys Benefits

  • Eco- Friendly: Wood is the most sustainable, completely biodegradable, natural and safe product available in the toy market. Wooden toys are timeless and have been there from generations. Firki, Latoo, Goolel, Flute, bow and arrow are just a few examples to reminisce your memory. Raw wood is food safe even a lot of wood like Neem and Maple are antibacterial which is an added benefit. 
  • Durability is what we expect from the toys our children play with so we don’t have to buy their favorite toy again and again. Wooden Toys are so durable that they can even be passed from one sibling to another, even one generation to another. They can be an heirloom in your family. Wouldn’t you love to pass on a part of your childhood to your children?. 
  • Simple yet Beautiful: Montessori methods always prefer natural wooden toys as these are aesthetically beautiful and help children to concentrate. A simple beautifully crafted wooden toy can attract the child’s attention without overwhelming them. There is one research specifically done to find the effect of touching wood on our mind (Physiological Effects of Touching Wood (nih.gov) ) and its findings indicate that contact with wood induces physiological relaxation.
  • Child’s Safety: Most of the toddlers tend to put things in their mouth and raw wooden toys can be the best thing you can offer at this stage as these don’t have any toxic chemicals like PVC, Lead or BPA which are being generously used in plastic toys. Plastic toys which can break easily and children can get hurt by their sharp edges but in contrast wooden toys are so sturdy that these can be passed through generations.
  • Guilt Free: When you are buying something that is natural, sturdy, child safe, completely biodegradable then it sets you free from the guilt of polluting the planet, filling the ocean or landfill with cheap plastic products instead it gives you and your family a joy that you will remember forever.
  • Value for Money: If you compare the price of wooden toys and plastic toys then you will find plastic toys cheaper but when you calculate its value in the long run then you will find wooden toys more affordable. Once you buy a certain type of wooden toy you won’t have to buy it again given its lifetime. A lot of moms complain about their kids not cleaning up, the main reason behind it is that we have bought them way more than toys they can focus on. Instead buy them a few quality wooden toys and you will see the difference.
  • Livelihood of Indian Artisans: Most of the wooden toys made in India are handcrafted and you are directly contributing to the livelihood of Indian artisans whereas approximately 80% plastic toys worldwide are being manufactured in China. 

At last you as a parent are the best person to decide what kind of toys would work best for your child as well as will support your values. 

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